"Many plans are in the man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him, that he will stand" - Proverbs 19:21
This little scripture has been a great help to me. I consider myself to be a person with great vision and I do have great desires for our church and ministry. However, I have also learned that all of my visions and plans and desires do not really matter if God is not in it. We can work and pray all we want to but if our plans do not coincide with God's plan then all our efforts will be invain and it will not bear any fruit. God is only committed to answer our prayers when it converges with His plan. The scary thing is that we can be so busy with doing good things, but not nessecarily "God things". Folks we do not have the luxury to live our lives just the way we think is good for us. If we really want to be effective as a christian we need to seek His will and start to walk in it. For only then our live will be fullfilling and fruitful. We can be so much more effective when our prayers, desires, and ambitions start to line up with His plan. Great faith will only be born with this kind of attitude. So let me encourage my dear brothers and sisters, let's stop doing good things and start doing God things and may the Lord bless you abundantly while you are walking in the work He set before you before the foundation of the world.
Peter de Leau